Glow Shows

Glow Dancers for Any Occasion


Do you have holiday parties to plan or a special event you want to light up for that extra spark?

Our hula hoop dancers and poi artists can light it up with glow costumes, LED props, tailored acts and more. We’ve brought our special glow to parties, festivals, corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, nightclubs and more. We can create an act just for you, come with a stage show or roam around the space animating your event.

Winter Snow Fairy on stilts
Winter snow fairy on stilts

Lucy Loop on glow stilts with mech suit

This works best in dim lighting, so at or after sunset for outside shows and with minimal stage or room lighting for inside shows.

visual poi spinning with logo for persian tribune
This logo is the not backwards when looking from the other direction 🙂

Glow dance videos

Glow Duo with LED fans, Fibre optic hoops & glow poi.

Scarlet Black and Stellaria can dress in your special event colours and choreograph their props to match. This video features holiday red & whites for the winter season and Canada Day events.

Hoop You Promo Video with the Go-Go GlowGirls!

Red’s Revenge with the in-house Hoop Troupe

This act was tailored especially for the event Art World Expo 2015 in Toronto with the theme “fairy tales”.

Glow Activation: Dancing glow hoops for Dispatch Talent at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto

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